About Us
The Captive Counsel Law Group, Inc. is a law firm which specializes in the creation, operation and defense of small, private and captive insurance companies.
Creating and running an insurance company is a complex and collaborative effort. Legal assistance is valuable at each of the following steps in the process:
- identifying and understanding the scope of the risk insured
- custom drafting of an insurance contract to cover the risk
- corporate planning
- taxation
- government regulation
- litigation
Large insurance companies employ teams of lawyers to deal with these and other issues. Small, private and captive insurance companies cannot afford this luxury. The solution to this is The Captive Counsel Law Group, Inc. We provide dedicated legal services, usually associated with "house counsel," to a small number of select clients who want to have a lawyer on their staff but do not want to pay a lawyer around the clock.
Learn more about Our Attorneys and Our Services, or view a representative client list.